My boring Blog

Mauro Frigerio blog

Traefik 2.x examples

09-06-2020 2 min read Article
TLTR On GitHub you can find a repository with some examples of traefik (version 2.x) configuration. You find the docker-compose and the guide on how to use this. Feel free to report the issue if something is not working. Intro I have no trouble saying that I am a bad developer (no problem is not my work). In my home network, I play with some systems. For 2-3 years I experiment with docker and my container number it’s growing every month. Continue reading

Back to the Future? Or to the past?

05-06-2020 4 min read Article
I’m not much of a site developer and I have no problem admitting that. I just like having a space where I can “crawl” and share what I do. A website doesn’t create itself and when you get down to it, the problems increase exponentially. You can create it based on freely available platforms (where of course you are the product because they have to make money) like WordPress, Blogger and many others. Continue reading

Curling stopwatch DIY

20-08-2017 3 min read Article
This is my second version of the curling training stopwatch. The major improvements in comparison to the older version are: better power management, stable software and new control function. The new system has two photocells, where the master of the system is the stop one. The start photocell is a slave, like the other module. There are two ways to show the information from the system: first one with a smartphone connected via Bluetooth to the Stop photocell. Continue reading
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