My boring Blog

Mauro Frigerio blog

Automatically update site created with Hugo

01-10-2021 3 min read Article
CMS’s like WordPress or Joomla are convenient, but they need constant updates, as regularly there are quite urgent security updates. That’s also why a year ago I went back to a static site, to be precise using Hugo. So I worry about creating the content and when I load new pages I don’t have to think what’s on the server anymore. The disadvantage of this system is the need to have a computer to generate the site again and then upload everything on the server. Continue reading

Child control for Sonos speakers

29-09-2021 6 min read Article
TL;DR Using an ESP32 and Home Assistant with ESPhome you can control Sonos speakers (or other media players) without smartphone application. This is my project to allow my daughter to manage the music in our home (whenever we want). Intro We are in the process of fixing up a house and it’s time to do some major cleaning among all the stuff we’ve accumulated. In a cleaning raid an old baby cassette recorder was discovered, unfortunately it is no longer working (I will get it working eventually). Continue reading

Secondary home management with Home Assistant

22-08-2021 3 min read Article
When you get caught up in smart homes you can’t stop and want to automate everything. I started with the second home in the mountains and then got caught up. In this post I want to collect my experiences in managing the second home, specifically with Home Assistant. The big problem is that the LTE router doesn’t have a public IP address and I have to leverage a VPN to access the second home’s network from the outside. Continue reading

Install Guacamole on Docker with Traefik and 2FA

13-07-2021 3 min read Article
Note I finally found how to get Wake on LAN working from Guacamole in docker, check out this guide. Note If you want to install Guacamole with postgres database check out this guide. Remotely accessing an SSH terminal or graphics session with VNC/RDP can be very useful. Particularly if you have a lot of devices and if you regularly change your workstation. Guacamole is one of the open source solutions on the market. Continue reading

Esempio mutual TLS con Traefik

10-04-2021 1 min read Article
Many configuration guides for SSH server suggest eliminating the login with a username/password and replace it with a key. More and more I use this solution in my small home environment. A day on Twitter I have seen this tweet and I have made some tests with mutual TLS (or mTLS). 🇫🇷 Community Contribution 👉 Sécuriser #Traefik avec du mTLS by Romain Boulanger — Traefik Labs (@traefik) March 26, 2021 I find mTLS really helpful when you cannot use a VPN, for example on an enterprise pc or due to some firewall restriction. Continue reading

My experience with Home Assistant

24-01-2021 5 min read Article
A letter from Swisscom arrived two years ago and created a problem for the management of the heating of the house in the mountains. Because they informed us of the termination in end of 2020 of the GSM or 2G (old generation telephony) service. The current modem in the control module installed 7 years ago is not compatible with 3G or higher and therefore needed to be replaced. But with what? Continue reading

SSO and 2FA for Traefik and Docker containers

28-06-2020 2 min read Article
Note I used Authelia for a while, but I had the problem with some services. I suggest you use client certificates (mTLS) instead and follow this guide. In my last vacation day’s just before the car trip to go back home. I have read this tweet about traefik. Google OAuth with Traefik - Secure SSO for Docker Services — Smart Home Beginner (@anandslab) June 3, 2020 The guide describes the use of OAuth for securing Docker containers. Continue reading
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