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Mauro Frigerio blog

Enable HTTP/3 in traefik v3

22-05-2024 3 min read Article
The recent major release v3 of Traefik, brought new features or concretized some. Such as certificates via Tailscale and HTTP3. In this short guide, I want to present an example of configuration to use HTTP3 in Traefik. The change is not drastic, because the functionality already existed as experimental in the old version. Requirements Linux machine with docker and compose (otherwise you wouldn’t be here) a domain with which a valid TLS certificate (HTTPS) can be obtained. Continue reading

How to use Tailscale certificates with Traefik

19-05-2024 2 min read Article
The new release of Traefik with major release 3, introduced some new features. Among them is the integration with Tailscale certificates. This new feature makes it easy to have certificates for https. Of course, there are some limitations and they must be considered (installation on docker): Tailscale must be running on the machine on which docker is running currently (see #9772) may only apply for the certificate of the local machine (hostname defined on Tailscale admin panel) Tailscale configuration Several guides can be found on how to create Tailscale networks, so it will not be part of this guide. Continue reading

Recover photos from corrupted micro SD

06-11-2023 3 min read Article
My daughter received as a gift a children’s camera (ITSHINY or other similar manufacturers) with which she tries her hand at many artistic shots (50 author blurbs). I do not want to do a review of the device, but I do want to tell you about the situation I found myself in when I wanted to download the last photographs I took. In fact, I connected the machine via USB cable to my computer and strangely no disk appeared to download the photos. Continue reading

Install Guacamole on Docker with Traefik, Postgres and 2FA

21-01-2023 3 min read Article
Note I finally found how to get Wake on LAN working from Guacamole in docker, check out this guide. Note If you want to install Guacamole with mySQL database check out this guide. Remotely accessing an SSH terminal or graphics session with VNC/RDP can be very useful. Particularly if you have a lot of devices and if you regularly change your workstation. Guacamole is one of the open source solutions on the market. Continue reading

Create your own online office with Nextcloud

23-09-2022 5 min read Article
TL;DR Nextcloud is the opensource solution that allows you to turn many devices into your own online storage solution (like Dropbox). But not only that because thanks to many apps you can expand functionality and create your own online office solution, such as Microsoft’s Office 365 or Google’s Drive. In this quick guide I have attempted to describe the steps to obtain a basic instance of Nextcloud and take advantage of ONLYOFFICE to be able to edit documents online. Continue reading

Activate HTTP/3 in traefik

28-07-2022 2 min read Article
Note This guide is based on traefik 2, for the new version look at this post. Do you want to make your site accessible faster? Then you need to try the new version of the HTTP protocol or rather its version number 3 or also called HTTP/3. the most common browsers already support this protocol and many already take advantage of it without realizing they are using it. According to a report by Cloudflare 30% of Internet traffic already exploits this capability. Continue reading

Wake-on-LAN from Guacamole in docker

24-07-2022 3 min read Article
The Guacamole service allows a “Wake on LAN” (WOL) packet to be launched before connecting to the machine with VNC or RDP. Unfortunately, by Docker’s default setting, networks configured as bridge do not allow broadcast packets (even if directed to a specific subnet) to be sent out. This prevents the use of WOL and Guacamole. There remains the option of configuring the guacd container on the host network, but this solution has security issues. Continue reading
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